A review of Austerity Ecology & The Collapse-Porn Addicts: A defence of growth, progress, industry and stuff by Leigh Phillips

In an act of wishful thinking, Phillip’s “Austerity Ecology” glosses over the Jevons Paradox or rebound effect, whereby increases in technologically-induced efficiency often actually result in increased use of resources. Further, the idea that peasant populations leave rural areas only due to the pull of a wonderful urban existence is an insult to many millions of migrants crammed into filthy, overcrowded slums, and ignores the role of any larger economic necessities in displacement. Strangely, for a self-avowed socialist, in this he acts as an effective apologist for capitalism and the destruction of rural livelihoods, from enclosure forward.


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2 Responses to A review of Austerity Ecology & The Collapse-Porn Addicts: A defence of growth, progress, industry and stuff by Leigh Phillips

  1. Carla Sbert says:

    This recent Monbiot article about how decoupling of economic growth and environmental impact are not happening provides new evidence aagainst this wishful thinking. http://www.monbiot.com/2015/11/24/false-promise/?fb_action_ids=10207653950403644&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%5B886654441423256%5D&action_type_map=%5B%22og.likes%22%5D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D

    Thanks for this and all the great posts, Bob.

    • Bob Thomson says:

      Thank YOU for pointing to Monbiot’s post. A lot of people are looking for just this critique of this wishful thinking which the second law of thermodynamics shows/proves but in ways many people can’t follow. Another proof that you can’t refill your gas tank by pushing your car backwards. 😉

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